Things To Do While Self Quarantining

In 2020 we are facing the coronavirus pandemic which means colleges are shutting down and going fully online if not for the rest of the semester, for at least a few weeks. Currently, the mainstream advice is to not put yourself in public situations where you are likely to be exposed to more germs and maybe the virus. So what are you going to do at home other than procrastinating your online classes? Here is a list of somewhat entertaining but mostly time occupying options.


  1. Do some arts and crafts. Now is the time to create something meaningful. Use your brain for something other than watching “Love is Blind” on Netflix (trust me, it’s not worth it) and make something that can brighten the ever-shrinking space that is your house. Maybe even work on something more interactive than just a painting or drawing. Create a new board game or make a choose your own adventure story. Also if you are not the creative type, there are plenty of free coloring sheets out there to get your eyes off of the screens.
  2. Get out the vintage video games. You know the ones I am talking about. Wii sports? Just Dance? Lego Starwars or Rockband? This is an easy option to reunite with the fam while also having some major middle school nostalgia. I know the guys out there already play video games all the time but I’m saying stop with that one player B.S. and actually talk to the only people you’re allowed to interact with.
  3. Clean out your inbox. I know some people are not as diligent as me, but at a time like this where situations are evolving rapidly, you cannot afford to lose an important email! Thus to occupy your spare time, I would suggest making some folders, deleting emails from last year and the year before that, and maybe, if you’re really feeling the spring cleaning vibe, get your inbox down to zero. I keep mine maintained with a large array of folders so when I am done with an email I can file it away instead of leaving it in my general inbox.
  4. Learn something cool. While I know most of your time is already going to be focused on online class, maybe there is something else you didn’t have time for before. Now would be the perfect time to learn magic, sewing, or cooking! These are all easy and practical hobbies that not only are fun to learn but also provide you with valuable skills for when you are able to reintegrate with society.
  5. Write a book. This is some teen dystopia money-making sh*t! They say the easiest things to write about come from your past experiences and this is kind of the perfect set up for an apocalyptic book with a badass heroine! Actually stop reading this one, I claim this idea. ©

Anyways, I hope if none of these are helpful I may have inspired you to find some meaning in this crazy time! Good luck and wash your hands!
