5 Relationship Lessons

I’m not going to claim to be an expert but these are some things I have learned from my first relationship that might help in yours:

  1. Listen- This is so important. Listen to them when they are telling you about their day, when they are talking about a problem or a dream. If you can just take the time to listen it can really mean the world to your significant other or anyone really.
  2. It’s the little things that count- At the end of the day when you are both tired and sleepy, what is really going to stick in their mind was when you surprised them with lunch, or you wrote them a note, or maybe you just gave them a quick kiss goodbye. A good rule that I strive to live by is just thinking about what actions other people will remember about you. This is good to think about when you are around your significant other.
  3. Cherish your time- I know it’s sometimes hard to peel your eyes away from your phone when it is constantly buzzing. Sometimes it’s unavoidable like when it’s your mom- can’t exactly ignore that one. But everything else can wait. You aren’t going to remember what so-and-so posted on Instagram in 3 days but you are still going to remember when you laughed so hard at his/her joke that you snorted. What if you missed that joke because you were tweeting? Believe me, if you cherish the time you have with them it will make your time much better.
  4. Communicate- Sometimes it is tempting to have a dramatic exit and not text or call back for a couple days after a disagreement. For my relationship, we have never had a problem that lasted for more than a day. Before I shut my eyes for the night we always made sure that we talked it out and apologized if need be. This makes everything run smoother and makes the relationship stronger.
  5. Say what you mean- life is too short to waste time with subtleties and the likes, if there is something you are dying to ask, ask. What is the point hinting and waiting when you could be getting on with your life. The worst that can happen is they say no- and then you all move on.

Those are the first 5 things I could think of, hope it helps. Good luck and enjoy the  moments!
