AI vs Angela: May the Best Artist Win

Before you skip this intro— no, it was not written by AI.

This idea came to me after seeing countless creators reviewing AI tools: AI Crochet Pattern, AI Script Writing, AI UI/UX, AI Esty Shop… the list goes on and on. These reviews (many of them ending in failure or flops) spell out a pattern. At this stage, AI cannot replace creative professionals. However, it can assist in making our workflows easier, faster, and better. In this blog post/ journey, I use 3 different AI tools to create a trendy poster and compare it to what the DALL-E AI art generator can create.

AI Color Pallet

First, I needed to get my color scheme. Finding a cohesive color pallet can make or break your final product. The Huemint Color Pallet generator was a game changer. I especially loved seeing the colors in patterns and mockups. It inspired me to make combinations I wouldn’t have considered otherwise.

AI Font Pairings

Next, I undertook the paralyzing quest of choosing a font. My AI tool options forced me to choose either Google fonts or Adobe fonts, since I couldn’t find any generator that combined these libraries. After a little digging, I found out that Adobe Recommendations tool is powered by Adobe Sensei, an Adobe AI.

These recommendations can help with font pairing or font browsing. I ended up with Hoverunit Regular, a spacey display sans serif font. Now with the colors and the font, I was ready for my poster topic from the infamous ChatGPT.

AI Art Prompt

I’ve had many conversations with ChatGPT. I don’t trust it with factual copy but creating an art prompt is a perfect use case. Here is an excerpt of my conversation:

latina in the office gen z poster idea

Sure, here’s an idea for a poster that a Gen Z Latina might like to hang in her office:

“Adelante con pasión y orgullo” – This motivational poster with a bold and colorful typography can be hung in a home office or a communal area of an office to remind a Gen Z Latina to pursue her passions with pride and confidence.

“Mujeres fuertes, mujeres valientes” – A poster celebrating strong and courageous Latina women who have made an impact in history or culture can be hung in a communal area of an office to inspire and empower Gen Z Latina professionals.

“La fuerza de la comunidad” – A poster showcasing the strength and unity of the Latinx community can be hung in a communal area of an office to promote inclusivity and celebrate heritage.

“Ponte las pilas” – A minimalist poster with a simple yet powerful message can be hung in a home office or a study area to encourage a Gen Z Latina to stay focused and motivated.

“No hay límites para lo que podemos lograr” – This motivational poster with a modern and colorful design can be hung in a home office or a study area to inspire a Gen Z Latina to dream big and believe in her potential.

Putting it all Together

Finally, after using all these tools, I had my mission. I went with the last prompt and came up with a retro space summer vibe (now available on my RedBubble shop for all of you Gen-Z Latina Professionals).

Satisfied with my work, I was ready to see what DALL-E 2 could come up with. At first, I gave DALL-E 2 the exact same prompt I used from ChatGPT. This resulted in something I actually winced at when it popped up on the screen. Ignoring the garbled letters that vaguely resemble Spanish words, the designs are reminiscent of an Instagram infographic about Cinco de Mayo. Not the vibe.

I wanted to believe an AI could do better. I updated my prompt to mimic what I had created to give it a more specific direction.

Modern and colorful poster design with aliens, flowers, stars, and hearts. Yellow, pink, and green color scheme. With a quote that says “No hay límites para lo que podemos lograr

This is what it came up with:

This is where my story goes one step further than I even thought I would go. I actually liked the design in the bottom right corner. I would never hang it in my office, but I felt like this one could be the inspiration to push my poster design one iteration further. Using the AI design as inspiration, combined with my AI color pallet, font, and original design, to create a final collaborative poster.

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure which version I like better. I do know, I love the squid aliens. Ultimately, looking at the AI’s versions forced me to edit and analyze my design choices, which led to a cleaner design. AI art is still a long way from being able to spit out a final product, but my design process was so much easier and faster using these tools to get me to my final idea.