Cutting Blunt Bangs on Myself: Disaster or Win?

I’ve been thinking about getting bangs since Christmas and now it is mid-March. Before the event of March 14th, I had been rocking side-swept bangs for about 5 years. But, as spring and summer drew closer I was itching to cut my hair. I had already promised myself I would grow out the body of my hair so that left just the bangs. After mulling it over for a few days convincing myself not to, that I would regret it, I finally looked into the mirror and decided to do it. If I regretted it at least I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. So, grabbing my desk scissors I went to the bathroom.

It was excruciating. I was scared to cut them too short so millimeter by millimeter I snipped. Finally after I was able to see through the curtain of hair I loved them! New season new me! Turns out all of that mulling over was worth it. If you have been thinking of getting bangs for a long time, take the snip. I’m not sure if cutting them yourself is the right call for everyone but for me it helped me ease into it. If you are going to cut them yourself, do not do the twist method. I’m not a hair stylist but what hair stylist have you seen twist someone’s hair to cut it? Twisting the section seemed too close to flying blind so I just cut the middle and side sections to frame my face. Another thing to think about is my hair type is wavy and thick so it helps conceal any pieces that are a little shorter. They actually ended up adding volume.

Before (on a good hair day)
After (fresh cut)

Overall, I like them. I’m glad I took a chance and cut them and I know this was waaaaay more likely to end in disaster but it didn’t! If you want bangs, trust your gut. You probably already know what you should do.