Eat the Rich Eatery Zine

Ever have a craving for a billionaire? Try Eat the Rich Eatery, opening at a location near you! With menu options like solving homelessness or world hunger who could resist a tasty bite of Jeff or Elon? This to-go menu style zine hopefully can satiate your hunger now.


I wanted to make something that was approachable and fun while also saying something real. My zine-iest zine yet.

When I first started this process I thought I would collage in photos of Taylor. I even preemptively cut up a magazine! I’m sure I’ll use those cut outs another way…

I ended up going in a more illustrative direction. First I blocked out the space for text and how many cartoons I needed to draw. Then after writing the copy and matched the cartoons to the headlines. 50s diner aesthetic.

If you want more, listen the latest episode of Voz Memos where I rant the about billionaires.

What is a Zine?

Zine, derived from the word magazine, is a small circulation self-published pamphlet often used by underrepresented voices to distribute new ideas. They are a form of art and publishing all in one tiny folded piece of paper.

Building my Collection for Zine Fest

I am officially part of Zine Fest in August! I am so excited to meet other local zinesters and share my art in person. Stay tuned for more zine content as I build up my collection for August! In my last zine post I mentioned wanting to find an event like this. I guess dreams come true.

Next Stop: Zineland

Love this zine? Visit my Zineland webpage to find more of my zines and some curated recommendations.