Interviewing a UI/UX Designer at Target

After graduating with my CS degree, I felt like I didn’t have enough insight into careers outside of software development. I was fortunate to connect with a UI designer at Target for an informational interview. I asked about what their day-to-day looks like and how to break into UI/UX. Here is what I learned.

Day-to-Day for a UI/UX Designer

The role of a UI/UX designer is to translate user needs into tools. Taking a big picture and wireframing it out is a daily task for a UI designer. That big-picture skill is key to all the work a design team does. UI/UX designers can act as mediators between users, developers, and clients.

During the interview, I also heard that the role can encompass skills beyond the technical sphere. Communication, collaboration, and empathy are huge assets to a UI/UX designer. Furthermore, diversity in both identity and career path is a strength and source of inspiration for designers. Additionally, as a lifelong learner, curious mind, and young professional, UI/UX is a big possibility for my career. It would utilize many of my interests and skills, all while working toward the mission to make the internet equitable.

Actioning After Interviewing

ite, inflammate omnia or “go, set the world on fire,” is an Jesuit/Ignatian mission. I felt this calling in undergrad, but I wasn’t sure how it would translate after graduation. Now, reflecting on what I have done since graduation, I can see the mission is still there. This informational interview, and probably some ite, inflammate omnia, is what pushed me to start the Google UX Design Professional Certificate.

After the interview, I felt inspired to expand my skills and create a portfolio. I knew I had the capability to create and publish a portfolio, but I lacked a structured plan. The Google UX Design Course gave me the guidance I was looking for to create a portfolio. I am pleased with my portfolio and excited to see where it will take me. Maybe I will pivot again after another informational interview. For now, I will keep in mind how powerful talking with other professionals can be when discerning where to go next.