Missing Summer

Hello beautiful people. Here in Spokane, we are in the full thrusts of fall. The sun is setting around 6:00 pm, there are blustery winds pushing piles of leaves around campus, and I find myself sipping a chai latte more often than not. But as the last rays of summer start to set as we trudge on into mid-October, I can’t help but wistfully look at my sundresses and remember the good old days back in June and July. If you are missing summer already too, here are some resources to help you through the long cold months to come:

1. Overall Shorts and Tights: This hybrid outfit calls back to a very summery trend, overall shorts, and combines it with a sweater, cozy socks, tights, and boots to create the fall equivalent of the summer shorts you are missing so dearly. Complete the look by mentally preparing yourself for the long winter ahead as you sip on your PSL.

2.Fall Hammocking: I know it may seem too cold to actually hammock but bring some blankets and you’ll find that hammocking in the fall is just as fun as hammocking in the summer. As an added bonus, here is a bomb playlist I made for your listening pleasures. As the songs are playing, imagine you are sawing under the supple shade of a tree while a warm summer breeze gently pushes your hammock.

3. Sunsets: In the summer, catching the sunset is a PNW tradition. However, just because the sunset is slightly earlier does not mean an awesome hike to a good overlook cannot be done, it just takes a little extra planning and an earlier start. My friends and I tried but we didn’t quite make it in time. Nothing says fall more than hiking up the mountain only to find snow and have to hike back down in the pitch black at 6:30. Still, if we had left just an hour earlier we would have caught it easily.

I hope you all bundle up and enjoy the rest of the fall with these summery hacks to help you transition!
