Please Contact Your Reps!!

We are becoming desensitized to mass shootings, but we cannot stop advocating for common sense gun legislation and improvement for mental health care. Here is a link to find your state or US congressmen.

Me at my high school walkout.

I used this website to help me write an email to my legislators. It really only takes a few minutes and this is how we can enact change. My heart breaks for the families who have been devastated by the Santa Fe High School, Texas Shooting but the best way we can help is to prevent this from happening in the future.


This is the email I sent to all of my reps feel free to copy, paste, and use this template:

Dear __________,

I am very concerned about gun violence and mental health in our country. Today U.S. flags are at half mast because 10 people died in a mass shooting at Santa Fe High School, Texas. Texas is not too far from Oklahoma.

Photo Credit: Isaiah Anthony

I will graduate from Norman High School on the 25th but I’m concerned for my little brother and sister who are going to be at risk. My family should feel free to go to work and school and to the movies without worrying that someone will shoot us on purpose or by accident. We can maintain the right to own guns while implementing laws to protect public safety. Oklahoma should not be slashing mental health budgets and looking to implement common sense gun legislation.

Thank you for your time,

Angela George