Thoughts on Sydney (so far)

Ok, I have been to few major cities. I have visited LA many a time, several other big ones in California, Dallas TX, but besides that… Not really any “world” cities. When I got to Sydney it was like suddenly I shrunk. Everyone was bustling around just going along their own way. All I could think was “Wow. This is fantastic.” The buildings were as tall as the sky was wide and there were people everywhere, and it was just nice. The city felt clean and there was lots of green space mixed in between the plentiful stores.

I had a blast touring the city with “I’m Free Walking Tours“. I would highly recommend them if you are interested in touring Sydney. The guides were friendly and made themselves easy to hear. I learned a lot about the history of Sydney, good places to eat and more!

After the tour we (my dad and I) went and got Kangaroo Kabobs. The seasoning was nice and Kabobs are just great in general but I’m not going to turn into a kangaroo meat fanatic.

My dad and I also walked Bondi beach. The water was chilly, but the views were gorgeous. Deep blue ocean framed by the sand and sky. We enjoyed the trail for about 5 kilometers before calling an Uber. If we weren’t that tired we might have found a train. Sydney’s public transportation system is great. It is efficient and cheap. They even have a ferry system across the harbor. So far, Australia has been a blast and I cannot believe the week is already  halfway done.
