
We Will Vote

What is a voice?
Scientifically I’m sure it has something to do with vibrations reverberating into a crescendo that oscillates out of your throat like breathing fire into an idea.

So how is it that when thousands upon thousands of voices cry out:


the people in power can’t hear them?

Is there something wrong with the air leaving our lungs?
A different language on our tongues?
Or maybe drowned out by the boom of white people’s guns.
Or else, some kind of frequency jammer that interrupts our soundwaves from crashing onto the deaf ears that are our “representatives.”

I’m looking at the data and the numbers are not making sense.
If X is Black people dying,
and Y is the lawmakers toiling over the insignificant issues of yesterday.
then X + Y should equal justice but I just see nothing.

I see the congressmen wipe their foreheads as though they weathered a storm and not as if they killed a movement and were complicit in a corrupt system while Black lives were mistreated, manipulated, and murdered.

A tidal wave is here, and representative, I’m sorry to say you have not weathered the storm, it has only just begun.
Like the tides rise each day, this movement will crash down on you, it will swiftly carry you away.

You have one job and that job is to listen.
Voices are more than a sound they can be written down.
We can vote as loud as we scream but we are screaming now:

“If you don’t heed this round we’ll ask you again on November 5th can you hear us now?”